Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Chair That Wounds

You know how it is - you stub your big toe on the leg of a chair and for the next week you are ultra concious of all the furniture in your home. Just walking past the couch and realizing you forgot to put your sneakers on is enough to make you flinch. But ultimately the furniture fades into the background again, and you routinely forget to consider shoes again.

Right now everyone on the eastern seaboard is flinching over the word hurricane. The aftermath is still a fresh wound. We easterners need to let Irene fade into memory. But it seems that's not destined to happen with the news media shouting out to the world that another potential storm  is forming in the Atlantic Ocean.

Could the news folks maybe just wait until there's a little more info before dragging that "chair" back out in front of us again?

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