Sunday, April 17, 2011

Was I in Delaware Any More?

It sounded like a thousand metal pellets battering glass.

Holding my breath, half expecting the windows to shatter, I listened to the roar of the wind as it drove the torrential rain against the house. Heavy raindrops battered the windows, siding, and doors mercilessly.

Lightning streaked across the sky the way a disco ball throws flashes of light through a night club and rolls of thunder shook the ground until I thought the driveway would split open.

I nearly ran to the closet in search of pair of ruby red shoes - certain that I was going to need them to get back home when morning came.

Hour after hour the storm continued with no let up. Between wind gusts I heard the frantic peeping of frogs and wondered if they celebrating of crying out warnings.

The rain and wind were still going strong when I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes in the morning, I stumbled to the window. Hesitating momentarily in opening the blinds, I wondered if I would see anything familiar.

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