Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Solar Charge

Now I know what a rechargeable battery feels like.

I'm talking about the type of batteries that recharge with solar power, like the batteries in outdoor accent lighting.

Just when snow and cold and clouds and sleet and cold and snow and clouds and cold and freezing rain and clouds and cold had brought me to the point where it was simply too much effort to swing my feet out of bed, too much effort to prepare a meal, too much effort to tie a tie, along came a blue sky sunshine day with temperatures near 50 degrees.

Most importantly that day came on a weekend. I carried a chair out to the front porch, positioned the chair so I would be directly facing the sun, and sat down to absorb vitamin D. For two hours the only time I moved was to keep the chair perfectly aligned with the sun.

Slowly but steadily I felt my internal power meter rising. After that two hour recharge I was energized enough to...

go inside an take a nap.

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