Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Drinking Thin

Ahhh, the waistline advertising season. 

I'm referring to the ads and articles that remind us we're fast approaching the time of year when we will no longer be able to hide our midriffs beneath layers of clothes. We're pelted with information about health clubs offering discounts, exercises guaranteed to build six, eight, and ten pack abs with virtually no effort, body fat indexes, and  diet plans.

More and more frequently those diet plans include drinking a significant portion of a water reservoir every day. I want to know if anybody can drink ten to fifteen glasses of water a day and spend more time being productive than visiting the restroom.

I've come to the conclusion that diet plans based on water consumption are the brain child of companies that sell anti-bacterial hand soap, paper towels, toilet paper, and janitorial supplies.

In fact.... oh, sorry, gotta run

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