Sunday, February 13, 2011

Senior Objection

An acquaintance who has been particularly down in the dumps recently about having passed the age of sixty was in happier than normal mood yesterday.  When I inquired about the turnaround he laughingly thrust a copy of a local newspaper into my hand saying: turn to page eighteen, now I know I'm not alone.

On page eighteen I found an article about an incensed sixty-five year old man. It seems the gentleman, well known in the area, had been identified in a previous newspaper article telling how he had suffered a "senior moment", run a red light, and caused considerable damage.

Thinking I was going to read about how the guy was angry about having his public reputation tarnished my a rather lengthy write-up of his accident, I was surprised to find such was not the case.

The article is absolutely accurate, the man at fault acknowledged. But they referred to me as a senior citizen and that pisses me off.

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