Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where Was the Celebration?

They came in a steady stream...area residents curious to see how Sandy had impacted the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk.

The lines started two blocks to the west. The equivalent return flow should have been indication there was really nothing to see - no reason to linger - but those in line continued on anyway.

What should have been a spontaneous celebration that no severe damage had been done was anything but. Instead, there was a somber atmosphere - like mourners making their way from a cemetery at the conclusion of graveside services.

Some were no doubt disappointed that enforced evacuation had prevented them from witnessing the peak of the storm. To a degree I can understand that - a chance to see mother nature at her angriest can be awe inspiring.

But I suspect most were disappointed there was no mass destruction to witness, and that I will never understand. What possible satisfaction is to be found in observing the loss of homes and livelihoods? Why do so many feel shortchanged when robbed of the opportunity to witness a nightmare they themselves would never wish to endure?

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