Monday, November 8, 2010

Which Way to Go?

To say it was a flock of birds wouldn't do it justice. Birds of a size somewhere between a sparrow and a crow were swarming across the sky.

I couldn't blame them. With the onset of colder weather they were no doubt anxious to head.... North?

Could it be? They were actually heading to colder climes? A quick look around to get my bearings confirmed they were doing just that.

That is until a large section of the migrating birds broke ranks and doubled back.

Then a smaller group of the southbound birds broke ranks to zero back in on the main mass.

Only to have the new leader of the primary swarm turn south.

It had to be a case of back flock driver's, I decided.

Turn here... No, don't listen to him, turn here... What are you doing? Those guys don't know where they're going. Turn up there.

The swarm had turned into a spinning cyclone before they drifted from view. I can only hope level heads prevailed and got the migration back on a southerly track.

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