Monday, April 29, 2013

Rain Watch

The rain came in wind-driven sheets. Henry had his face pressed to the window glass. He had seen it again, a shadow slipping through the mist that was beginning to form as the temperatures dropped. There was no passing it off as imagination now.

Movement to the left caught his attention. Bananas, his tabby cat, was clawing at the screen on the front door. Henry hurried down the hall, placed his hand on the doorknob, and paused. He thought of how grotesque the shadow silhouette had been - like an alligator struggling to walk upright.

Did he really want to open the door?  He heard cat claws plucking frantically at the screen. He turned the knob. Bananas gave a warning growl.  Henry backed away. Bananas would still be waiting when the storm stopped, he was sure of it.

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