Monday, April 8, 2013

Of Buds, Blooms, and Cars

As sure a sign of pre-summer as buds and blooms are the automobiles with tops down and sunroofs open.

Mustangs, not the four legged kind, have been in abundance these past few days. Many gleaming with a blinding polish that suggest the cars have been hibernating beneath protective sheets in garages all around the area.

Apparently Corvette owners are not yet ready to roll their vehicles out. Perhaps these folks are a more finicky sort - like the mockingbirds that allow robins first dibs at thawed ground and then swoop in later to make themselves known.

Muscle cars are not a prerequisite for announcing pre-summer's arrival. Open sunroofs and windows rolled completely down are equally effective in creating interior turbulence that tosses the hair of drivers and passengers alike. An intrusion that would never be allowed if the air were not soothingly warm.

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