Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Never Say It

It was just me and two women in the office building elevator and I was doing my best not to eavesdrop on their conversation.  Short of putting my fingers in my ears and singing la-la-la-la, there was little I could do to keep from hearing. Still, I did my best to tune them out.

 Until I heard.  This is absolutely the worst day I have ever had. It doesn't get any worse than this.

It was at that moment that a loud buzzing filled the elevator. Our descent came to a halt, and after a tense couple of moments the doors opened on the 2nd floor.  Only there was no one waiting on the 2nd floor and the only button illuminated on the panel inside the elevator was "L".

We had just enough time to through each other questioning looks before a recorded voice came through speakers everywhere.   A fire has been reported in the building. Please go to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevators.

Forget what I said about the day couldn't get any worse, the one woman said.

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