Sunday, February 3, 2013

Prognosticating Sunshine

This is one year when I can actually believe that Punxsutawney Phil  actually saw his shadow without the influence of a score of lights set up by the new media for it really was a sunny morning.

And while tradition suggests that Phil's seeing of his shadow means we'll have to wait six more weeks before we can shove our heavy coats into the back of the closets, I prefer to focus on the belief that a clear, sunny morning on February 2nd portends many more sunny mornings.

There is of course the cold to be taken into consideration. The clear skies of February 2nd had allowed temperatures to drop into the low teens. Prognosticator Phil no doubt lost a significant portion of his bodyweight shivering in that cold. Perhaps I will have to suffer a few more mornings of frostbite temperatures- but as long as the sun rises into a gloriously blue sky to warm the rest of the day I believe I can muster the necessary energy to endure.

Here's to a sunny six weeks!  

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