Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Magnified View

The mist moved with purpose across the fields, but curled back on itself at the treeline surrounding the small cottage.

Years ago, as a child, he had shared stories with his friends about the old woman who lived in that cottage. It was said that at night she transformed herself into a a stunning beauty who seduced young men, lured them to her simple home, and boiled them alive in an immense cauldron. The bones were then scattered around her house to fuel the wards that kept her safe.

He set down his binoculars for a moment. He had dismissed those stories long ago. But now, seeing the mist turned back, he couldn't help but wonder...

Bright movement in the trees caught his attention. Perhaps it was the warbler he had been searching for. Bringing his binoculars back to his eyes he gave a surprised shriek. Filling the magnified circle was the very woman he had just been thinking of.

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