Thursday, November 10, 2011


I've been thinking about kaleidoscopes over the past few days. Mainly because my blog and story ideas have been tumbling around in my head the way the pieces of colored glass tumble in the end of those cardboard tubes.

And like those ever changing colored displays, my thoughts tumble and shift quicker than I capture any one. A story I thought I was writing tumbles onto a different path. The blog idea firmly fixed in my mind falls to pieces before I can get to the keyboard.

I know what you're thinking.  The man is battling the onset of Alzheimer's.

I beg to differ (I think).

It all has something to do with the shift back to standard time. Ever since the clocks changed, my thoughts refuse to remain in focus.  I think there's an important message here, but the message changes before I can finish interpreting what it is.

This was not the way today's blog post started.  Today's blog was going to be about....... oh, never mind.

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