Wednesday, November 9, 2011

He Robot

Don't know if you were aware - but while we have been watching movies like I Robot and viewing them as science fiction, the Honda corporation has churned out the real deal.

Honda named their robot Asimo (I'm guessing that's an acknowledgment to Issac Asimov, the writer who took us into a world where humanoid robots interact with humans routinely).

Asimo can run, play kick ball, speak, respond to human voices, navigate down a crowded sidewalk - and perform tasks considered too risky for humans.  That last item is one of Asimo's primary selling points - doing the jobs that would ordinarily put humans at risk - which I guess means new parents will soon be buying their own Asimo to take care of changing diapers.

In case you're as fascinated by this as I am.  I'm including a link to the website here:

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