Friday, September 26, 2008

The Call and the Word

College Dude called me today. I'm always excited when he calls because, well he's my son and I like to hear from him. Problem is, I'm usually disappointed with the way the calls turn out. You see I'm not a very good ad lib conversationalist. Most of the time College Dude isn't either - unless he gets onto a subject he's passionate about. So our conversations are usually kind of dry and I worry that he doesn't know how much I enjoy hearing from him.

Because, you know, I couldn't just come out and say that now could I? - Oh, I think I just discovered a subject for another day.

Today's phone call turned out to be about financial stuff, but I was determined to get onto a subject College Dude was passionate about. Since his current focus is engineering I thought that might be a good direction. I quickly ran down a list of engineering terms I knew - and found the list to be short. As in non-existent.

Then College Dude saved the day when he told me there were two more people reading my blog regularly.

Cool, my readership was expanding......

EXPONENTIALLY!! That had to be an engineering related term!

So I said that into the phone (no not just the word - give me a little credit). I said "Wow, my readership is expanding exponentially.

To which College Dude replied, "Yeah, if you're working on a pretty short curve."

There really wasn't much more to say after that.