Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meal Menu

Ah, the summertime diet: garden salad, fruit salad, cucumber salad, potato salad, and seafood salad.

Yes, we had a saladfest this weekend. It seemed the kitchen counter was perpetually littered with squeeze bottles of mayonnaise, assorted spices, piles of chopped onion and celery, and of course mixing bowls filled with garden-fresh blends.

You might think we had a house full of people but that wasn't the case. It was just Motivated Mom, Media Girl and I. It wasn't until we reached to the back of the bottom kitchen cabinet for the very last tupperware container that we thought to ask ourselves - whose going to eat all this stuff?

Forget the meat and bread - this week's meal menu is salad alacarte. The eating doesn't get any better that this.

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