Friday, December 3, 2010

Flying the Happy Airways

Is that a handkerchief in your pocket - or are you just excited about flying?

TSA officials are now saying that body scanners INCREASE the need for pat-downs as part of airport security.


Yep - because the scanners call attention to anything in a person's pockets, those pocket contents need to be investigated by pat-downs. Now there's talk about pat-downs before body scans so officials will know what it is the body scanner is picking up.

Yes, it's a clear cut case of ineffectual beauracracy gone wild.

The U.S. really has gone off the deep end in airport security.The fact is, if a terrorist wants to bring a plane down, he or she will do so regardless of any security measure in place. The threat of destroying a plane is where terrorists are winning the battle.

As for me - I'm going to carry my change of socks in the leg of my jeans on my next flight. I'll take my thrills wherever I can get them.

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