Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuning In

Having spent twenty-some years together, Motivated Mom and I are generally well tuned in to one another.

Tuned in as in being able to anticipate how the other of us will respond to a given situation, event, conversation, etc.

But the tuning dials seem to have drifted a bit of late. Perhaps it's due to my being at the opposite end of the state a couple nights a week. If so, that's going to have to be remedied PDQ.

I hadn't really noticed the drift until this evening. Thursday evening being one of those that I spend at home during the work week, Motivated Mom had an agenda on her mind. I knew what the first part of the evening schedule would be long before arriving home - and without any preliminary discussion.

Like I said - tuned in.

So I was not at all surprised when Motivated Mom grabbed her car keys and said Let's go even before I had finished my dinner.

After reaching what I thought was our sole primary destination, Motivated Mom jigged left instead of jogging right. Suddenly we were headed even further from home.

Whoa! Who filed this part of the flight plan? I wondered.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, there were conflicting agenda for the balance of the evening.

Got to get those wavelengths tuned back in.

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