Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reading Terry Brooks

College Dude and I have been sharing novels recently.

Well, okay, mostly he's loaning and I'm reading and returning - but it's still sharing.

The most recent book on loan is a novel by Terry Brooks. And I'm as happy as a pig in.....

Because there are some authors - and for me Terry Brooks is at the top of the list- who just make me want to sink deep into an easy chair with their book and never move until I've read the last word on the last page.

Mowing the lawn? It can wait.
Fixing meals? Guzzling a gallon of water will keep me full.
Bathroom break? Well, okay I guess I have to leave the chair occasionally.

Actually, I'm forcing myself to periodically set this particular book aside. Because an author can write only so fast. I've already read every last one of Terry's other dozens of books. So when I'm finished this one I have to wait... seemingly forever... for the next great read.

Got to go... it's been thirty five minutes and twenty seconds since I last turned a page.

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