Thursday, September 16, 2010

Say... What Color Is That?

How had black turned to gray?

It was 4:00 in the afternoon and the horizon was black as night. According to the weather radio, the storm front was still twenty miles away from the building where I work. So it was with a certain amount of surprise that I looked out the office window fifteen minutes later to find that the leading edge of a black wall had encroached to within a few blocks.

Being a lover of thunderstorms, I was all tingly with anticipation. This promised to be a whopper.

Scant seconds later, heavy raindrops were splattering loudly against the glass. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled.

....And the sky was a dirty gray.

Huh? The clouds had been jet black forty seconds ago. How was it they had spontaneously morphed from the color of ink to the color of dirty dishwater?

Had they ever really been black? As I pondered that question I realized this had happened before - a midnight wall turning to misty gray.

So just exactly what is the real color of a thunderhead?

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