Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mooning over Mars

NASA wants to join forces with the European Space Agency in a project to bring rocks from Mars back to Earth.

The estimated price tag is 10 billion dollars.

I have the feeling that's peanuts compared to what the security and damage control tabs will total up to.

Remember when rocks were brought back from the Moon? The astronauts were quarantined for weeks and the rocks even longer. There was barely controlled panic that the plague to end all plagues would be visited upon Earth if quarantine protocol was violated.

Can you imagine the security and quarantine requirements for Martin rocks?

We view the Moon as a harmless celestial body.

But Mars is a whole other matter. Mars comes to us with a history of devious green men and alarming creatures in ultra-advanced spacecraft. Remember the latest movie adaptation of War of the Worlds?

Maybe we should move Mars rocks to the Moon first. Built in quarantine. Built in damage control. If any life forms start growing we can blast them with the weapons of mass destruction collected from Iraq.

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