Friday, May 7, 2010

Horse Teeth

I'm sure you've seen the latest trend in advertising on automobiles - white lettering applied to the rear or side windows. The fad started with the "In Memory of" announcements and has since spread to business advertising.

I was following a Toyota Corolla today. The rear window was filled side to side and top to bottom with business info for Equine Dentistry. I guess the good thing about being a horse dentist is that, unlike a farrier, you don't have to pull around a wagon load of equipment.

What, I wondered, does a toothbrush for a horse look like? I thought of one of those gag pencils that are about three fingers thick and pictured one with some monster bristles on the end. I imagined the bristles would need to be a cross between a coarse scrub brush and a wire brush - after all, horses must get some serious plaque buildup.

And just how to you get a horse to curl its lips back so that the teeth can be polished? Does it require teamwork? Does the horse hygienist stand with brush poised while a partner tickles the horses belly to prompt a lip curling giggle?

Those two words - Equine Dentistry - raised so many questions that I just may have to audit a few veterinarian classes.

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