Aarggh, oommph, garumph, ugghhh,
Oh, hi there. Give me just a minute while I finish dragging my soap box into place.
ooochh, almost... aarrgghh, umph, there.
Forgive me but I feel a need to expound.
I was driving home tonight in the rain - tooling carefully along in the right lane of the highway- when I noticed a driver in the left lane and one car ahead was... texting!
His blackberry, clasped in both hands, was perched on the very top of the steering wheel and he was using his wrists to guide the car.
Sensing impending doom, I slowed my speed dramatically.
It was fortunate that I did for in the next moment the texting driver realized he was about to miss his exit. He cut across two lanes of traffic, angled across the section of concrete between main highway and exit ramp painted with diagonal white stripes, then continued onto the ramp. In so doing he sent no less than six cars into braking skids.
Just what kind of a... common sense challenged person (calling him and idiot would be politically incorrect)... tries to text while driving at sixty-five miles per hour?
Obviously this person was in the wrong line when brains were being handed out.
Actions such as I witnessed should be grounds for having one's drivers license permanently revoked - and for being whipped soundly with a soaking wet towel.
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