Media Girl's school day doesn't begin until eleven o'clock today. In fact there are five days out of the upcoming eight that are late starts for her due to state aptitude testing.
What's up with that?
When I went to school (yes, back when we walked up hill, backwards, in the snow) the schedule was much more rigid than today. In fact, if they could have gotten away with it, I think school administrators would have shackled us to our desks.
High school started promptly at 8:00 a.m. and dismissed at 2:20 p.m., five days a week with very few exceptions. Those exceptions could be counted on your fingers.
Today, a day planner is a minimum requirement to keep track of when school is and is not in session.
A friend recently told us she was planning on activating a service on her cell phone plan that would send a text message to her anytime her child went beyond a specified radius from the school grounds when school was in session.
Why? The data entry required to establish school in session parameters would be more stressful than wondering whether her child was really in school.
Maybe students would be less stressed and better able to concentrate if they had a schedule they could depend on.
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