Remember the Christmas animation classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - the one that begins with a singing snowman who sounds remarkably like Burl Ives?
Remember the abominable snow monster in that show - the over sized white shaggy ape with the wicked set of teeth? Well, abominable (or mumbles as Yukon Cornelius later called him) lost his fangs in my front yard yesterday.
At least it sure looks that way.
My car had been backed far enough up the driveway that the rear bumper was hanging over the mound of shoveled snow. When the icicles that had been hanging from the bumper softened enough to fall, they dropped point first into the snow mound. And there they stand, in a variety of lengths, like a lost set of vicious looking choppers.
Those things could have killed somebody if they had fallen from above.
Come to think of it, there are some very similar icicles hanging from roof eaves all around. Let a pair of them fall at an inopportune time and they could imbed themselves in an unfortunate person's head. The poor person would end up looking like Uncle Martin from the television show My Favorite Martian.
More fuel for my argument that temperatures were never meant to drop below fifty degrees.
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