I was sitting at a traffic light today. The car in front of me had a pizza delivery sign mounted to the roof. It's a fairly common sight that I normally would not have given a second thought.
But as I waited for the light to change from red to green I noticed the pizza delivery vehicle had a handicapped license plate. I began to wonder...
Was the person in front of me able to delivery only to handicapped accessible locations? Perhaps the driver pulled up in front of the delivery location and then used his or her cell phone to call the customer and ask them to come out and get their pizza.
I think either scenario would be great - someone overcoming a disability to function as best they can in the everyday world.
If it were me having to overcome challenges I think I'd have to interject some humor.
Hello, Mr. Smith, please listen carefully. I am holding your thick crust pepperoni hostage. If you ever want to see your pizza please bring fifteen dollars in small denominations to the car parked at the end of your driveway. Do not try to contact the police. Oh, and please include a three dollar tip.
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