Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sugar Has Left the Building

Ying and Yang. It is the way of the world - the balance of life.

Yesterday we celebrated the marriage of Motivated Mom's mother to the new significant other in her life.

Today our family mourns the loss of our cat, Sugar. Yes, that very same cat who was making the administering of medication a challenge a month ago.

At 108 in cat years, the old guy just never fully recovered. He breathed his last as we were preparing to rush him off to the pet emergency center.

It is fitting that a cat who despised the cold should check out before the bleak days of winter.

We said good bye with a simple ceremony in the back yard just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. I'm sure that Sugar was already confidently stalking the warm, sunny Savannah of his new world.

May he always enjoy abundant sun, green grass, restful shade, and nourishing water.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Goodbye Sugar. You will be a valiant addition to the heavenly brigade that is lead by Penny the Conqueror.