Friday, October 17, 2008


I was due to have blood work done this morning. My instruction packet emphasized that I was to have been fasting for at least eight hours in advance of my appointment.

Fasting is a huge misnomer. Nothing happens fast when you are told you can't eat. Time slows down exponentially.

In fact, I'll bet that if one hundred fasting people stood around that super accurate atomic clock in Washington, the fasting effects would cause the clock to slow.

It's the period of getting ready to fast when things move quickly. I had planned for desert, then a little something extra just after desert. Of course there would need to be a little something extra just before a bedtime snack, then the bedtime snack itself.

But at ten o'clock I realized that it had taken only twenty-five minutes for the preceding hour and a half to speed past. Now I was going to have to combine the pre-bedtime snack with the bedtime snack.

Which meant I would be too full to sleep well and would wake up - GASP! during the fasting period when time moves so slow.

At night. In the dark. All alone. Awake and listening to the abnormally slow tick....pause... pause... tock of the clock.

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