The theme for today's activities was beach combing.
Motivated Mom and I started the day at a sea glass festival.
(If you're a new reader, go to the September archives in the sidebar and highlight Cast of Characters to get up to speed on the different folks I refer to in my blog.)
We were surprised to find people from all over the United States and Canada at the festival. We had no idea the collecting of sea glass had such a following. Some folks were the crafty sort who were displaying things made from sea glass; others were selling just the individual found pieces of glass.
(I REALLY have to start paying more attention to those shiny pieces of glass along the beach. Today I saw pieces no bigger than the nail on my little finger selling for twenty and thirty dollars a piece.)
After our visit to the festival, Motivated Mom and I went off for a walk along the beach. And what should Motivated Mom find but a lavender colored glass bottle, obviously old, that was completely in tact save for a small chip in the neck.
We hurried back to the sea glass festival with the find. People oohed and ahhed over the bottle. They loved the color, they loved the completeness, they loved the shape. The general consensus was that Motivated Mom's discovery was a whiskey flask from the 1930's or 1940's.
Imagine - a glass bottle rolling around in the ocean for 60 or 70 years, surviving the crashing surf, and washing up virtually in tact. Pretty neat.
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