I have to admit that in recent years I have been depressed by Autumn's arrival. It signals the end of the summer and the approach of winter. In fact last year my wife and I renamed the seasons of the year to pre-summer, summer, post-summer, and Christmas.
Yet we still put up fall decorations which I guess means that somewhere deep down inside we knew our new season names weren't going to stick.
For the past few days, the mornings have started with a definite crispness in the air. Much to my surprise, I have NOT been depressed by that. I have found it invigorating, accompanied by a sense of aniticipation.
But anticipation of what? Certainly not winter. Maybe it's just the anticipation of change. Goodness knows we could all use change in our lives right now. Change from the bad news we find everytime we turn on the T.V., sign onto the internet, or pass a gas station.
So I'll gladly accept the surprise anticipation and invigoration and extend my welcome to Autumn.