People have all sorts of derogatory descriptions for seagulls: noisy, dirty, belligerent, rats of the bird world...
But I realized today that seagulls have a wonderfully dry sense of humor that goes unappreciated.
I was at the beach for a few hours this afternoon. The ocean was particularly rough and threatening to invade prime beach towel territory.
A series of strong waves finally drove a surge of water up the sandy embankment, over the crest, and deep into that stretch of water-front sand so valued by beach goers.
All as one, sunbathers were leaping from their towels and springing from their chairs; starting first in one direction and then switching to another as they tried to decide whether to first save the towels, the beach bags, or the buckets of sand toys.
...And there stood a trio of seagulls, bobbing their heads and shrieking out their high pitched laughter as they watched people stumble and scatter like.... well, like a flock of startled birds.