I know, just another one in about 6 million blogs floating around in the blogosphere.
But if you check in regularly I believe you'll find observations on life that you can relate to, laugh at, roll your eyes over, or ignore altogether.
Today I'm wondering who ripped a chapter out of my copy of Parents Guide to Child Rearing. You know, the book that magically appears under the bed pillow on the night you and your significant other first conceive. The book that leads you step by step, unfaltering, through the life and times of your offspring.
The chapter I'm missing is: What to do when your child no longer fears your wrath.
Come to think of it, I believe I'm also missing the chapter on creating a wrath your child will fear.
Not meaning to sound like I'm just rephrasing the tired old "when I was your age" but...
When I was sixteen, if my parents let their wrath out of the closet, I did everything I could to camouflage myself.
In the parent / child encounter that took place today (I'm the parent now - just so there's no confusion) my wrath left my daughter powdering her nose and stifling a yawn.