His attire wasn't anything out of the ordinary... for a guy on his way to work in a casual dress office environment. What piqued my interest was that the man crossing the street carried a gallon jug of Wawa iced tea in one hand; and in the other hand carried a four inch wide paint brush - the kind of brush used for serious house painting.
Okay, so maybe he was a well dressed painter. But without a truck of supplies or at least a gallon of paint, I wondered just exactly what he was going to accomplish with his brush. He was crossing the street at a point where the only nearest anything was a centuries old cemetery.
Could it be he was a researcher? Is the acid content in Wawa iced tea sufficient to cut through layered grime on headstones? Was he going to "paint" the tea onto the headstones to make worn lettering readable? ... Or was he just a guy out for a walk with his favorite brush?
I guess I'll never know.
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