Monday, April 2, 2012

Fifty-Four Degrees

Fifty-four degrees.  Two months ago people would have been taking a lunchtime stroll wearing a light jacket to break the wind.  Today folks were dressed in bulky coats and displaying facial expressions similar to a toddler who has just had a candy bar snatched away.

Fifty-four degrees. Our cats are in a snit. Insisting on going out first the front door, then the back; only to return fluffed to the size of a soccer ball. Retreating to the windowsill they emit plaintive cries and glare at me like its my fault they can't bask on the front stoop.

Fifty-four degrees.  It's a definite median.  Relatively speaking fifty-four is both warm and cool... depending on which side of the temperature range you're coming from.

Fifty-four degrees. A point of perpetual contention.

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