....Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. Osama or not here we come.
And of course there's plenty of folks out there who say it wasn't.
I have to admit I can understand their skepticism. When the U.S. nailed Sadam the news media was spitting out images of Hussein like a printing press had gone wild. This time there's nothing. The closest we've come to seeing proof is media footage of a ship from which Bin-Laden's body was supposedly dropped into the ocean after a lightning fast DNA check.
Can you say Jimmy Hoffa? Howard Hughes? JFK?
The lack of substantiating evidence has given rise to a plethora of conspiracy theories. I'm putting my money on the been frozen for five years theory. In this scenario President Obama had Bin-Laden's body dragged out of the deep freeze Sunday night just so that the Pres could disrupt the television ratings for Trump's Celebrity Apprentice and drive Donald out of the presidential race.
Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. Hit the road Trump and don't ya' come back no more
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