Sunday, May 22, 2011

Contemplating Movement

Sitting with front paws resting on the piece of aluminum trim where carpet meets linoleum, the cat was as immobile as the Sphinx - except for its eyes which were following the progress of a small insect creeping across the carpet.

Watching the cat's eyeballs shift from one side of almond slits to the other, I wondered if the cat really thought the tiny bug would notice if the cat turned its head.

From the bug's standpoint, it would be like you or I walking through the Museum of Natural History, passing the skeletal feet of Tyrannosaurus Rex and noticing the skull move high overhead. Unless we happened to be looking up at exactly the right moment, we'd never know.

Just when I thought the insect would reach the safety of a narrow space under the baseboard, the cat pounced and the bug disappeared. The next thing I knew the cat was licking its chops.

I think I'll keep my gaze elevated the next time I visit a museum.

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