Monday, October 4, 2010

Thumb Obstacle

I was certain my google search was going to lead to the discovery that the tip of the human thumb has somewhere around 1200 nerve endings.

As it turned out, my quest for knowledge was inconclusive, but I'm still betting on at least 1000 nerve endings. I'm going with that wager because it felt like all 1000 endings were exposed when I sneezed while chopping celery and tried to add my thumb to my salad.

For such a little slice, it really made life difficult - because of course I had to apply four layers of bandages to protect my thumb from accidental bumps.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to work a button through a button hole when your thumb is three times its normal size?

Try cracking an egg with a bandaged thumb and see how much of the egg white makes it to the griddle and much gets absorbed in the gauze.

Tying a shoe became an exercise in futility. Pushing a looped string back under itself with an appendage the size of a cannon charge plunger is impossible.

My thumb is back to normal now - and I'm out of the house fifteen minutes earlier in the morning.

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