Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Respecting Billions

A golf ball can get you a billion dollars?!

Apparently Tiger Woods is on the verge of becoming a billionaire. Now I realize not all of that income is directly from tournament winnings - but it is all based on smacking around a little white ball with a club.

Don't get me wrong, after playing Wii Golf I have nothing but respect for a guy who can knock a ball into a cup in less than thirty swings - but not a billion dollars worth of respect.

I'd have a billion dollars worth of respect for a scientist who found a way to control the weather, or an inventor who figured out how to make an automobile run on air. I might even half a billion dollars worth of respect for someone who figured out a way for me to always have a closet full of clean clothes without my having to remember to run the washing machine.

Maybe I need to reexamine my plans for success. I used to be pretty good at throwing a Frisbee. Perhaps if I brushed up on my skills and joined the Frisbee-golf circuit....

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