Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bottle Cap Education

The things you can learn from a bottle cap!

I picked up a bottle of Snapple tea at lunch today - and discovered a small paragraph of information under the cap.

Did you know that no two lions have the same patterns of whiskers - that each lion's muzzle is as unique as a human fingerprint?

I sure didn't. And that got me to wondering.....

Does that whisker thing apply to all members of the feline species? If so just how many whiskers are on a cat's face? Considering the number of house cats in the world, for each to have a unique whisker pattern - well, cats must be carrying around a lot more whiskers than I ever thought.

An internet search provided lots of hits for cat whiskers. But rather than getting an answer to the question of quantity I made a new discovery.

It seems a lot of people are considering trimming the whiskers on their feline friends.

Are they nuts? Have they not seen what a cat can do to the trunk of a tree with front claws alone?

Who in their right mind is going to try snipping at a cat's face with a pair of scissors?

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