Monday, July 19, 2010

Never Ending Search

In the past few weeks I have seen more license plates from distant states than I can ever remember seeing before: New Mexico, Michigan, Kansas, California - I even followed behind a car with Hawaii license plates four days ago.

I've watched cars from Maryland head to New Jersey and cars from New Jersey head to Maryland - all packed with suitcases, sand toys, and rafts.

We are a country on the move. We always have been. It started with the western migration by wagon train. Well, even before that actually if I look back as far as the Vikings and Columbus.

And.... I've been wondering..... what is it we're all looking for? What is it that so many of can never find in the place we are now?

Whatever it is, we've been searching for it for hundreds of years. Whatever it is, I suspect we would have found it by now if it were a findable thing.

Perhaps it's time to be still and look inward rather than searching outward.

... Or perhaps we're afraid of what we'll find when we look inside so we keep moving in order to remain otherwise preoccupied.

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