I had never noticed the sign before: Route 27 Grill
A very unpretentious name for a restaurant. The kind of name that suggests the proprietors know they offer a quality product and don't need a snazzy name for their place. I could envision the menu: fried chicken, meatloaf, spaghetti, and maybe roast beef or prime rib as the dinner special once a week. Simple fare but dependably familiar and probably dependably tasty.
All of this was going through my head at the same time I was pondering how it was that I had never noticed the sign before. The sign certainly wasn't bright and shiny - so it had been around for a while.
I was nearly two miles down the road before it hit me. The sign had been partially camouflaged by a tow truck, a 1950's pickup, and a scattering of cars.
Probably the missus ran the grill while her husband tuned up cars in the garage next door.
Which got me to wondering just exactly what went into the special sauce that the grill no doubt offered with steak sandwiches.
Route 27 Grill. Maybe the name wasn't intentionally understated after all. Maybe it was just the best they could come up with,
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