Monday, April 5, 2010

I Can't Hear You Now

It's been convertible top down driving weather recently. Not that I own a convertible. I've just seen a lot of folks driving topless (as in no top on the convertible) recently.

I owned a MG Midget in my younger years (almost seems like a previous life now) and I really enjoyed top down cruising on warm, sunny days.

One thing I remember from those years is that you can't hear sh... er, ah, anything with the wind rushing over your head. Unless of course your car is equipped with a righteous sound system with a volume setting of somewhere around one hundred and eight five.

I was never into the loud music thing when the top was down though. It was all about the rushing wind and the tires struggling to keep a grip on the S curves along back roads.

Which brings me back to... you can't hear anything with the top down.

So I was very surprised to see a guy speeding along in at seventy miles an hour in a topless convertible with a cell phone pressed to his ear.

Surely he couldn't hear the voice on the other end. Surely his part of the conversation was simply, I can't hear you now, you'll have to call back later

Unless of course his phone was equipped with an upper volume setting of somewhere around one hundred and eighty-five.

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