Friday, December 11, 2009

Media Commentary

Warning, I am straying from my usual format and going into commentary mode here. I know some of my readers share my blog with their children. I urge those readers to review this particular post before sharing.

Two days ago I read the article about the Inappropriate Frosty The Snowman.
Most of us are familiar with the holiday cartoon classic of Frosty the Snowman.
Someone chose to pervert the happy go lucky snowman into a collector of adult entertainment that comes in various media formats.

Today I saw the photo-shopped picture of Sarah Palin dressed in hunting garb, holding a rifle, and standing beneath the mounted head of a certain reindeer with an unusually colored nose.

While adults are certainly entitled to adult level humor, we as a society need to remember that today's world of mass communication makes virtually anything available to virtually anyone.

It becomes the responsibility of today's adults to censor themselves before committing anything to paper, microchip, DVD, or any other permanent format.

There is too little protection for children these days. Let's not destroy the little magic left to children - the magic of holidays.

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