I can say with absolute certainty there is nothing that will shake you from the beginnings of an afternoon nap like the words Daddy, I have adopted a dog.
Media Girl uttered those very words to me just as I was battling heavy eyelid syndrome brought on by the afternoon sun streaming through the window.
Do you want to see the dog? Media Girl asked.
It seemed obvious to me that my daughter was looking for a early inheritance. First shocking me emotionally with the news of a new canine, then sending my heart into irregular rhythm by bringing the dog to our doorstep.
My near death experience lasted only as long as it took me to spin in my chair and find Media Girl holding her cell phone up to my face. The screen on the phone displayed the picture of, I had to admit it, a cute puppy.
With the realization that the dog was not going to be panting in my ear, I was able to draw life-giving breath. The bright white light faded into the background. I wouldn't be crossing over after all.
My friend's dog had puppies a couple month's ago. Media Girl explained. My friend hasn't been able to find a home for the runt of the litter. I agreed to adopt the puppy and I've been visiting her as often as I can. I want to bring her home now. Can I?
I had the feeling that Media Girl already had a counter-argument prepared for each and every objection I could come up with.
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