Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Shock of a Face

While I wait for the economy to recover, I picked up a part time job in a local convenience store. Because food is served in the store, employees cannot have beards. So for the first time in thirty-four years I am clean shaven. (Amazing what you'll do when times are tough.)

Well, there was a one week period about six years ago when I was beard free. I shaved after Motivated Mom had mentioned she'd never know what I really looked like until she had the undertaker shave my face. I got rid of the beard as a spur of the moment thing, then went downstairs.

Unlike some people who look sort of the same bearded or not, I discovered I look like a completely different person clean shaven. College Dude knocked over a dining room chair in his rush to escape the stranger in the house, Media Girl emitted a blood curdling scream, and Motivated Mom insisted I grow the beard back immediately - suggesting Rogaine might speed the regrowth.

This time I alerted everyone in advance so they would be prepared. After all, they're the ones who have the most shock to adjust to - I only see myself when I look in the mirror.

As I write this Media Girl has walked in the door, announced she cannot handle my new look, and moved to a different room from which to continue our conversation.

Hmmm, this could be a difficult transition.

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