Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

As a husband I have watched the stages of motherhood and learned it is a labor of love that children cannot possibly appreciate.

The love begins with labor itself, setting the stage for the coming years of loving endurance.

As babies, mothers care for our every need and are rewarded by coos and smiles - sleepless nights and cries.

Mothers love us as children unconditionally and continually, grateful for any love offered in return - whether repayment comes in full or as a pittance.

Mothers encourage us out the door and into adulthood despite the pain of separation.

Mothers long to hear the news of our lives. The simple tone of our voice dictating a night of sound sleep, or no sleep at all.

Motherhood demands strength beyond any career I know.

One day of recognition seems hardly enough. May we all resolve to return the love of mothers more frequently.

To all the mothers out there...


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