Thursday, February 12, 2009

You don't...

You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
...And you don't rake leaves in thirty mile per hour wind.

What were those people thinking today?

The winds here were a nearly constant thirty miles per hour with gusts near fifty. And there was a group of people raking leaves in front of the local Junior High School.

Oooohhh, you say, Junior High School - well that explains it.

No, it wasn't students doing the raking. Full grown adults who should have known better were out there with plastic trash bags. The bags were whipping in the wind like pennants on top of a sports stadium during a thunderstorm.

Talk about an exercise in futility!

Meanwhile the students were probably looking out of the school windows and thinking that's the kind of thing my education is going to lead to?

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