Thursday, February 5, 2009

Polar Bear Plunge

This past weekend was the Polar Bear Plunge in Rehoboth Beach.

Once a year, on a February weekend, several thousand people arrive in Rehoboth Beach for the opportunity to race into the ocean.

And, of course, to race out again - if they can still breathe.

I can think of many times when I have jumped into a chilly pool, lake, or ocean on a hot summer day and have had the shock take my breath away.

I can't even imagine what it feels like to run into thirty-eight degree water with waves rushing to meet you.

This year was apparently a cake-walk because the air temperature was in the fifties rather than the twenties. Some people actually dunked themselves several times so they didn't feel like they were cheating.

If I'm going to jump into thirty-eight degree water (which I just can't see myself doing) there better be more that a beach towel and fifty degree air waiting for me when I get out. I'd be looking for a team of paramedics and a preheated sauna at a minimum.

The Plunge is for a good cause - raising money for the Delaware Special Olympics - but isn't simply giving a donation a much more practical approach?

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