I found the edge of the world this morning. Well, I could have.
Over night warmer air pushed into the area, mingled with the cold of the snow covered ground, and produced a fog that a cinema special effects team would have given their eye teeth to duplicate.
The fog was everything that a good Jack the Ripper movie requires. A constantly churning and swirling steel gray soup reduced visibility to nothing. The clip clopping of a horse pulling a carriage would have seemed so appropriate that I wouldn't have given the sound a second thought.
Horses were not to be found - but automobiles were. Cars and trucks materialized out of the fog with a suddenness that would have prohibited accident avoidance had the vehicles not been spaced properly.
I was driving one of those cars, and wondering where I had left my good sense. No one had any business driving in that fog. I felt like I was steering my car directly into a wall that kept moving back at the same speed as my approach.
I could have driven right off into nothingness and never known it - until I heard the voice of Rod Serling: Offered for your consideration, the edge of the world that Columbus failed to find.
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