The television show 24 is one of a very few that I watch religiously. After an extended hiatus, the show is returning to the airwaves this Sunday.
It was College Dude who got me hooked on 24. During the show's first season, College Dude suggested I watch an episode with him. I was hooked instantly even though I was coming in in the middle of the season and was mentally treading water trying to catch up with the plot line.
Cause the thing about this show is that SO much happens in any one episode that if you miss a week you feel like you're a half step behind all through the following episode. And if you miss two weeks - well you might as well wait for the reruns.
I can think of no other program that requires an adult beverage after the show is done in order to unwind.
I can think of no other program that requires an adult beverage after the show is done in order to unwind.
I was reading where 24 has been doing some of this season's filming right in Washington D.C.
That must have had the city's actual security forces on edge. Jack Bauer running around Washington threatening, shouting, waving firearms, while the real life President of the U.S. sits just blocks away.
Hey, as long as he's in town, maybe Jack should make a side trip to the financial district and have a little "heart to heart" with the muckety-mucks. I'm thinking the big-wigs might get the economy might turned around a lot faster if they were faced with Jack's unique approach to problem solving.
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